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Plain talking for faith walking
Faithwalking Episodes
Faithwalking Episode 1: Do I have to be baptised to go to heaven?
Faithwalking Episode 2: Do I have to go to church to get to heaven?
Faithwalking Episode 3: How do I get saved?
Faithwalking Episode 4: Is God omniscient?
Faithwalking Episode 5: Are all Christian denominations really Christian?
Faithwalking Episode 6: How can there be one God, yet Christians teach about a trinity?
Faithwalking Episode 7: How do I know what my spiritual gifts are?
Faithwalking Episode 8: I have been baptised; If I change religions, do I need to be baptised again?
Faithwalking Episode 9: Why aren't my prayers being answered? Part 1
Faithwalking Episode 10: Why aren't my prayers being answered? Part 2
Faithwalking Episode 11: Why aren't my prayers being answered? Part 3
Faithwalking Episode 12: Why aren't my prayers being answered? Part 4
Faithwalking Episode 13: Why do I need a Savior? Part 1
Faithwalking Episode 14: Why do I need a Savior? Part 2
Faithwalking Episode 15: So you're thinking about becoming a Christian?
Faithwalking Episode 16: Is it okay for a male and female to live together, in God's eyes?
Faithwalking Episode 17: What is the difference between the White Throne Judgement and the Judgement Seat of Christ ?
Faithwalking Episode 18: What is tithing and why is it important to me ?
Part 1
Faithwaking Episode 19: What is tithing and why is it important to me ?
Part 2
Outreach Connection TV appearance 5/31/12
Personal Testimony