Prayer Box Ministry

Plain talking for faith walking

Bible Commenaries

This will be a work in process for many years !!!  As we go through the bible book by book, we will write a blog for each book. Each book will have its own blog. This will save the reader from trying to sift through a lot of material to find any on book.  As you see a book you would like to read a commentary on, just click on it and it will take you to that commentary.  This has been designed for ease of use and for easy readability. These are all written so they are easily understandable yet will give deeper insight into Gods word.  Please enjoy these commentaries and tell others about them ! Happy reading and may God bless you !

Psalms   1 - 50 
                                Biblical Keys To Love

Psalms    51 - 100                             Fruit Of The Spirit

Psalms    101 - 150

1 Kings
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