Prayer Box Ministry

Plain talking for faith walking

Right Wing Reverend

Listed below are all of the categories of programs the Right Wing Reverend has done. They have been separated by content. Listen and enjoy them all!






 Iraq...a Case Study in Stupid    
 Roe vs. Wade    
 The Do Nothing President    
 How to Tell if You're a Right Winger  Yes! Ministry is for YOU!  Modesty
 Tea Party vs. Republicans  Exodus  Dating Do's and Dont's (Women)
 Marco Rubio  Joseph  Dating Do's and Dont's (Men)
 Top 10 Things Republicans Should Be Doing  The Book of Acts                                       Musings of a White   Guy                 
 A Means to an End  Prayer Box Ministry  Top 9 Programs of 2014
 Things That Make You Go Hmmmm  Beliefs  U.S. Military...praise God!
 Should We Secede From the Union  You Should Be More Tolerant  Mainstream Media/Other Lies
 I.R.S Cover Up  Starting a Bible Study  This Just In...
 Children in Peril  Good, Better, Best  Potpourri II
 Be Very Afraid  Can You Be a Christian and a Democrat?  Betrayed
 3 P's Hatin' on Israel A Poor Witness  Potpourri I
 Satan is in the White House  Genesis  Common Core III
 Priorities  Spiritual Gifts...Love  Common Core II
 Sanctions are for Sissy's  The 4 Soils  Common Core I
 Top 20 Part II  Family Values  Our First Show!!!
 Top 20  Mormonism vs Christianity  
 The Lawless President  Religion Buffet  
 The Economy...Can We Talk?  A Love Letter to Jesus  
 Regulation Nazis  Christians vs Catholics  
 Morality, Money, and Mayhem  Marginalizing Christians  
 Jumping Into Bed With Iran  Regaining Leadership  
 Government Shutdown    
 When Did It Become OK to be Socialist    
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