Prayer Box Ministry

Plain talking for faith walking

Join our prayer groups

 Knee Mail Carriers
This group is designed to be used every day! Each day, you will receive one prayer request that has been sent to our ministry. For that day, that prayer request will have hundreds, or thousands, of people around the planet praying for them! This is a very powerful tool...join today to be a part of This amazing ministry!!                                

Click here to join

 Prayer Partners
This group gives you unlimited access to hundreds of prayer requests actually written by people and submitted to our ministry, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!  They are sorted by type, i.e.: healing, salvation, misc., etc.  You can pray for as many as you want, as often as you want, whenever you want, for whatever type you want...all at your convenience. Designed for the true prayer partner, this group will help you grow spiritually AND help people all around the world...from your knees! 

Click here to join    

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