Prayer Box Ministry

Plain talking for faith walking

Current Events

Listed below are all of the categories of programs the Right Wing Reverend has done. They have been separated by content. Listen and enjoy them all!

 Current Events

 Iraq...a Case Study in Stupid
  3 P's Hatin' on Israel
 Sanctions are for Sissy's
 The Economy...Can We Talk?
 Jumping Into Bed With Iran
 Government Shutdown
 Should We Secede From the Union?
 Regulation Nazis
 Common Core I
 Common Core II
 Common Core III

 The Faux Recovery
13 Businesses Christians Should Avoid
This Just In .... Updates
U.N. - One World Order !!
God Is Judging The United States
Poor Judgement Or Criminal Action ?
Unite ... Yet Mandate
Time To Change The Culture !
We Are In Control... Not Business
20 Things To Make America Great Again
20 Things To Make America Great Again   Part 2
20 Things To Make America Great Again   Part 3
Civil Disobedience
Christian Lives Matter
Refugee's Anyone ?
State Rights VS. Federal Rights
Judging Of America
Judging Of America   Part 2


How Close Are We To Socialism ?                                                   Government Shutdown
       Audio                  Video                                                                      Audio      Video
Conservatives Loose Again !                                                            The " Green New Deal "
       Audio                   Video                                                                     Audio       Video
How To Deal With Sanctuary Cities                                                   We Have Been Played !
       Audio                   Video                                                                      Audio       Video
Time For Talk Is Over
       Audio                   Video
The Big Con
       Audio                    Video
Putting Tehran On Notice
      Audio         Video
Things That Make You Go Hmmm!
      Audio        Video
Do You Want Fair Elections ?
      Audio         Video
Voter I.D.
        Audio        Video

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