Prayer Box Ministry

Plain talking for faith walking


Chapter Highlights

1.  Paul longs to visit Rome -- The wickedness and godlessness of mankind angers God
2.  God's righteous judgment -- The Jews and the Law
3.  God's faithfulness -- All mankind is under sin -- Righteousness comes only through faith in Jesus Christ
4.  Abraham was justified by faith
5.  Faith in Christ brings peace and joy -- Death came through Adam, but Life comes through Christ
6.  Faith in Christ brings life and righteousness in Him -- The wages of sin is death, but the gift of Gd is              eternal life in Christ Jesus
7.  Jesus Christ brings victory in the struggle between our sinful nature and our spiritual nature
8.  Life through the Spirit -- Future glory -- Believers becoming more than conquerors
9.  God's sovereign choice -- Israel's unbelief
10.  Israel's unbelief
11.  A remnant chosen by grace -- Redemption comes to the Gentiles -- Israel is saved
12.  Despise what is evil, but love, in all sincerity, what is righteous
13.  Responsibilities of believers toward authority and others
14.  The spiritually strong must consider those weaker in spirit
15.  Each believer should build up others -- Paul is to minister to the Gentiles
16.  Personal greetings
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