Prayer Box Ministry

Plain talking for faith walking



Chapter Summary

1.  The walk of the righteous man and the wicked man contrasted
2.  The Lord laughs at-and rebukes- mankind's rebellion against Him -- The reign of the Messiah foretold -- Kings and leaders are warned to rule wisely
3.  David refutes those who say God will not deliver him from his enemies -- David proclaims God as his shield, his peace and deliverer
4.  David calls upon God to answer him when he calls -- He encourages men to love God and offer right sacrifices to Him -- God is the source of joy, peace and safety
5.  David cries out to God daily and waits in expectation -- He recognizes the God is against the arrogant, but those who come humbly and with reverence to God will be protected
6.  David, in a repentant attitude, prays for God's mercy and deliverance from his sin -- David affirms that God has heard and accepted his prayer
7.  David takes refuge in God as his enemies come against him -- As he prays, he asks God to judge between him and his enemies -- David affirms God as his shield and as a righteous judge -- He points out that the evildoer brings trouble onto himself -- He affirms that he will give thanks to God and praise the name of the Most High
8,  David praises the majesty and glory of God -- In light all that God has done, David marvels that God has given mankind so high a place in His creation
9.  David praises God and rejoices in Him -- He tells how God has overcome His enemies -- He proclaims that God is a righteous judge and governor; a refuge for the oppressed; He is trustworthy and faithful -- David urges people to sing praises to God for what He has done and who He is
10.  Although at times, it seems as though God is far off and does not respond to deliver the oppressed from their enemies, yet God sees the trouble and grief-and He does encourage and defend the afflicted, oppressed and the fatherless
11.  David states that he takes refuge in God -- Though he is pursued by wicked men, he will trust in God -- He affirms that God's eyes are on mankind -- The Lord is righteous and loves justice
12.  David calls to God for help -- Because of the groaning of the needy and the oppression of the weak, God says He will protect them -- David acknowledges that God will protect them
13.  David pours out his anguish and calls on God to answer him -- David affirms that he trusts in God and rejoices in His salvation, and that he will praise Him
14.  David observes that there is no one who does good-not even one -- He looks forward to the time when God will restore Israel
15.  David describes the kind of person who will experience a close relationship with God
16.  David expresses his dependence on God, and his thankfulness for God's provision, guidance and joy
17.  David prays for God's protection from his enemies who are pursuing him
18.  David sings this song of praise to God for His deliverance from his enemies, and from the hand of Saul -- He details how God accomplished the deliverance
19.  David proclaims the glory and majesty of God in His creation, and through His commands -- He prays that his words and meditations will be pleasing to God, his Rock and his Redeemer
20.  David prays that God will give the victory when his people go into battle -- He declares his trust in God rather than the resources of men
21.  David praises God for the victories He has brought for those who trust in Him
22.  David pours out his anguished suffering before God, and finds comfort as he resolves to praise God in spite of the situation -- This psalm is called the "psalm of the cross" because it so precisely describes Christ's suffering on the cross
23.  David, with his heritage of a shepherd, describes God's care for him as a Shepherd who carefully cares for his sheep
24.  David affirms the authority of the Lord over all -- He ponders the questions: Who may ascend the hill of the Lord? Who is the King of glory?
25.  A prayer of David to the Lord, asking for His instruction, forgiveness, provision, guidance and protection
26,  David prays for vindication by the Lord upon his enemies -- He asks God for mercy in his life
27.  David affirms that the Lord is his protection against his enemies -- He asks that God keep him close to Him, and that God will give him victory
28.  During a time of loneliness, David prays that God will hear him and repay his enemies for their evil actions -- As he prays, he feels God's presence and begins to rejoice in the Lord
29.  David encourages the mighty ones to praise and worship God, and to give Him glory -- David then recites some of the great and mighty works of God
30.  David praises God for His answers to prayer for victory and deliverance -- He encourages the saints to praise the Lord's holy name -- David contrasts life in God's favor as opposed to when God seems to "turn His face away"
31.  David again calls on God to come to his rescue against his enemies -- He describes his situation, then affirms his trust in the Lord to deliver and protect him -- He then praises the Lord, and encourages others to hope in the Lord
32.  This psalm of David sets forth the nature of sin, and what happens when it is concealed, acknowledged, forsaken and forgiven
33.  The righteous are urged to praise the Lord with instruments, for the Lord is righteous and true, faithful and loving -- Many of the acts of God are recounted -- Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord -- God's eyes are continually on the nations and the people who respect Him -- We hope in Him
34.  David extols (praises) the Lord for His -- God provides for those who fear (have an awesome respect) for Him -- God's response the righteous and the evildoers contrasted
35.  David prays that God will fight against his enemies -- He details some of the ways that his enemies have come against him
36.  The sinfulness of the wicked described -- In contrast, the love of God described
37,  David encourages his hearers not to fret because of evil men for they will soon witherl like green plants; rather trust in the Lord and do good and enjoy safety -- An evil man's ways and the ways of the Lord are contrasted
38.  David describes his condition as a result of his sin -- As he confesses his iniquity, he implores God not to forsake him, but to help him
39.  David tried to remain silent, but found he could not -- He realized how fleeting was his life, and declared his hope in God -- He asked God to remove His chastisement for David's sinfulness
40.  David rejoiced in God's redemption and forgiveness -- He declared that God did not desire sacrifices and offerings, but a heart-felt commitment -- David prayed for God to protect him from his enemies, and acknowledged how needy he was for God's help
41.  Blessings for the man who has regard for the weak listed -- David appealed to God for mercy and help in dealing with enemies that have come against him -- David ends the psalm by praising the Lord, the God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting
42.  The psalmist told how his soul thirsted for God as he remembered his joy in former times -- He questioned why his soul was so downcast, and told of how alone and miserable he felt
43.  The psalmist continued to implore God to vindicate him from deceitful and wicked men -- He ended the psalm by telling his soul to hope in God
44.  The psalmist recounted how God had led Israel into the promised land, and drove out the nations before them -- He went on to relate how much Israel was reproached by those around them, even though Israel had been faithful to the Lord -- The psalm ends with a plea for God to rise up and help
45.  This psalm was a wedding song -- The bridegroom was lauded -- The bride was praised
46,  This psalm praises God for His almighty strength
47,  A psalm of joy to God the King, declaring that He reigns over all the earth
48.  A song of praise for God and His city -- Ends with the declaration that God was their God for ever and ever, He would be their God even to the end
49.  The psalmist called all who live in this world to hear his message:  No man can redeem the life of another or give to God the ransom for him -- God alone can redeem
50.  The psalmist, Asaph, praised God's mighty power -- He told of God's ownership of His creation -- God's indictment of the wicked
51.  A psalm of David after Nathan confronted him about David's sin of adultery -- David pleads for God's mercy as he confesses his actions as sin -- David desires cleansing of his heart, restoration on his relationship with God and release from his guilt
52.  David gives characteristics of an evil man's life -- He compares himself to a flourishing olive tree, and praises God
53.  David describes the man who turns his back on God as being a fool -- David expresses his desire that Israel would experience the salvation of God
54.  David calls upon God to deliver him from his enemies -- He then praises God for delivering him
55.  David again calls upon God to deliver him from his enemies -- He expresses such anguish and terror that he wished he could flee away from danger -- David states that among his enemies is one who had once been his close friend -- He continues to ask for God's protection, then proclaims his trust in God
56.  Another psalm of David proclaiming his trust in God to protect him from his enemies
57.  David pleads for mercy from God, for he takes refuge in God's protection -- In spite of all kinds of treachery from David's enemies, he praises God for His ability to fulfills His purpose for David
58.  David declared that even the rulers were unjust. violent and treacherous -- David asked that God would sweep the wicked away -- He states that the righteous will be glad when they are avenged
59.  David again implored God to deliver him from his enemies -- David watched for God to accomplish his deliverence -- In spite of the difficult times, David praised God and proclaimed Him as his fortress
60.  David prayed that God would deliver the Israelites from their enemies -- He proclaimed that with God they would gain the victory and trample down their enemies
61.  David expresses his desired to rest in God as his refuge, to dwell with God forever; then he would praise God and fulfill his vows daily
62.  David encourages his soul to find rest and protection in God as his rock and fortress, and he will not be shaken -- In spite of the wickedness of men, David has learned that God is strong and loving, and will reward each person according to what he has done
63.  David proclaims that he seeks God earnestly all the time
64.  David details his complaint about his enemies' attacks on him, and asks God to bring them down
65,  David  praised God for His forgiveness, His awesome deeds of righteousness and His provision
66.  This psalm is a song of praise for God's awesome works in man's behalf and His protection -- The psalmist promises to fulfill his vows to God and bring sacrifices and offerings -- He will praise God for answering his prayer
67.  The psalmist encouraged all the people and nations to praise God -- God's blessings will follow
68.  David points out that what God has done, and what He will do in His awesome power -- The kingdoms of the world are admonished to praise God, to proclaim the mighty power of God over Israel, and His majesty
69.  The psalmist, detailing much of the suffering he's enduring, cries out in despair to God -- He calls for God to bring justice -- The psalmist concludes with the affirmation that God hears the pleas of the needy and is worthy of praise and worship of all creation
70.  David petitions God to deliver him from his enemies -- He praises God, and asks for a speedy delivery from his trouble
71.  This psalm written by one who has experienced great trials and struggles throughout his lifetime, but has found God to be faithful in His ways -- The psalmist affirms his determination to remain faithful to God for the rest of his life
72.  This psalm by king Solomon is a prayer that his reign will be known for justice, righteousness, peace, the destruction of evil, and help for the poor and needy
73.  Asaph, as the author of this psalm, tells of the goodness of God to Israel -- He ponders the dilemma of the apparent blessings upon the wicked, while the righteous suffer -- He comes to understand the final destiny of the wicked, and the true blessings of the righteous
74.  The psalmist prays that God's chastisement will not last forever -- The psalm reminds us that judgment will surely follow sin and disobedience
75.  This psalm declares that God is the One who judges among the people -- He exalts one and brings down another as He determines -- The wicked will be brought down, while the righteous will be lifted up
76.  God will judge those who oppress His people  -- Those delivered from oppression will Him praise
77.  The psalmist begins with recounting the oppressive, distressing circumstances -- The psalmist then determines to remember the the wonderful ways God has worked in his life, and overcomes his depressive attitude
78.  The psalmist recounts the history of Israel from their deliverance from slavery in Egypt to the time of David as king
79.  The psalmist pleads with God for deliverance of Israel from the oppression by the countries surrounding them
80.  In this psalm, the reality of being oppressed by Israel's neighbors is expressed by the psalmist -- He recalls that God brought them into the land and established them in it -- Then he calls for God to rescue His people
81.  The psalmist calls for the people to rejoice and praise God -- He reminds the people that obedience to God is expected
82.  This psalm points out that God presides over the great assembly and brings righteous judgment
83.  The psalmist calls upon God to deliver the nation of Israel from all its foes
84.  This psalm extols the loveliness of the Lord's temple -- He points out how blessed those who revere God are
85.  The psalmist prays that God will restore the fortunes of the Israelites -- He asserts that God's faithfulness and love will bring restoration
86.  David prays for God to guard his life from his enemies -- He prays for joy, forgiveness and guidance -- He praises God for His compassion, mercy, faithfulness and love -- He asks for a sign to cause even his enemies to realize that God is the One who delivers him
87.  A psalm that informs us that the nations will acknowledge those born in Zion -- The Lord will establish Zion and those born in her will make music and sing
88.  This psalm expressing deep suffering by the psalmist, he continues to maintain his faith in God
89.  This psalm speaks of the Lord's great love and faithfulness -- He reminds his heares that all nature praises God and He rules over nature as well as mankind -- He tells of the covenant God made with David that it will last forever -- The psalmist reminds the people that the oppression of their enemies was the result of David's sons forsaking the Lord -- Tha psalm ends with a prayer for God's deliverance
90.  This psalm is attributed to Moses, probably while the Israelites were wandering in the desert for 40 years -- The psalmist acknowledges the brevity of mankind and the eternality of God -- He prays that God will teach them to number their days and obtain a heart of wisdom -- He prays for deliverance and for favor from God
91.  This psalm declares that the believer's security in God: he will find refuge, deliverance, security and peace -- When the believer calls upon the Lord, God will answer him
92.  "It is good to praise the Lord," declares this psalm -- Through praising God we have joy, wisdom and life
93.  This psalm declares the majesty of God and His mighty power -- God's might is greater than the power of nature -- God's statutes stand firm, and He is holy eternally
94.  The psalmist calls upon the Lord to bring justice  -- He declares that God is his fortress and refuge against oppressors, and that God will deliver them
95.  In this psalm, the people are encouraged to come and worship God with thanksgiving, music and joyful singing -- God, the King and Creator, deserves our praise and worship -- The psalmist reminds the people not to harden their hearts as their fathers did, but to hear and respond to the voice of God
96.  The psalmist encourages the people to sing to the Lord in praise, proclaiming His salvation and declaring His glory among the nations
97.  This psalm declares that the Lord reigns in righteousness and justice over all the earth -- He will bring victory over false gods and there will be joy among the righteous
98.  With this psalm we are encouraged to break forth into a new song and rejoice in God for the salvation He gives, for His righteousness and faithfulness -- We are to shout for joy, burst into jubilant song with music -- Make music with all kinds of instruments and shout for joy -- Even the earth and nature will rejoice in God
99.  The Lord reigns, let the nations tremble as He is exalted -- The King is mighty; we are to exalt the Lord and worship Him -- Great leaders from Israel's past obeyed and worshiped God -- Exalt the Lord and worship Him
100.  Shout for joy and worship God -- Enter into thankfulness for God's goodness -- His goodness and faithfulness endures forever
101.  The psalmist proclaims his desire to walk faithfully before God at all times -- He reminds us that God will have victory over the ungodly and faithless of the earth.
102.  This psalm is the prayer of one who has known great affliction, yet maintains his conviction that God is faithful and will respond to the plea of the afflicted
103  In this psalm David encourages his own soul to praise God with his whole being, for God is worthy of all praise -- He extols God for His righteouness, justice, compassion and His everlasting love -- All heaven and earth are to praise the Lord
104.  This psalm, another one of praise to God, outlines many of the characteristics and works of God -- The psalmist concludes the psalm with his own commitment to praise God all his life
105.  The psalmist ecourages  us to give thanks and praise to God -- He recounts the wonders God worked as He remembered the covenant He had made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob -- He tells of the deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt
106.  This psalm continues the history of Israel as they were in the desert during the exodus from Egypt on their way to the Promised Land
107.  The psalmist exhorts the people to praise the Lord for He is good and His love endures forever -- He recounts that in spite of the cycle of rebellion by the people of Israel, followed by distress of all sorts -- then repentance resulting in God's deliverance, God has been faithful -- He urges the wise to consider the great love of the Lord
108.  In this psalm of praise, David proclaims the majesty and faithfulness of God -- He asks God to deliver His people -- David declares that with God they will have the victory
109.  In this psalm, David appeals to God for retribution for the manner in which wicked and evil men have treated the godly -- David calls upon God to deal with him in accordance with His own great love -- He asks that the ungodly will know that it is God who is dealing with them -- He closes the psalm with praise for God
110.  This psalm of David prophetically speaks about the coming lordship and priesthood of the Messiah -- It foretells of the defeat of the Lord's enemies and the coming judgment of the nations
111.  The psalmist urges us to praise the Lord -- He details many reasons why the Lord is to be praised -- We are reminded that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom
112,  This psalm continues the theme of the previous one -- God is worthy of praise, and many reasons for that praise are listed
113.  The theme of praising the Lord is continued in this psalm
114.  In this psalm, some of God's mighty acts as the Israelites journeyed from Egypt are recounted
115,  This psalm encourages those who trust in God to give Him the glory -- They should refrain from worshiping idols which can do nothing ... only God can bless and care for His people
116.  The psalmist declares his love and devotion for God -- He ennumerates many of the praiseworthy ways God has intervened in his life -- He concludes the psalm with the affirmation that he will fulfill his vows to the Lord
117.  This very short psalm tells us that all nations should praise the Lord for His love and faithfulness toward us
118.  In this psalm, the refrain, "His love endures forever," is repeated frequently ... with many examples of how God shows His love and faithfulness to us interspersed throughout the psalm
119.  This very long psalm is divided into many "stanzas" -- The entire psalm speaks of the importance of the words, commands, precepts, decrees, statutes and promises of God -- The way of the ungodly is contrasted to the way of the one who honors and obeys the words of the Lord
120.  The psalmist reminds himself that God responds to his prayer when he prays
121.  In this psalm, we are reminded that our help comes from God -- God is always watching over us; He never slumbers or sleeps -- The Lord protects us and watches over us now and forever
122.  The author of this psalm rejoices in going to the House of the Lord -- He finds joy, righteous judgment and peace there    
123.  In  humility the psalmist lifts his eyes to God as a slave does to his master -- He pleads for God's mercy as he endures much ridicule and contempt from the unrighteous
124.  The psalmist considers the disaster that would occur if the Lord did not help him -- He rejoices that the Lord is his help and delivers him
125.  The psalmist declares that those who trust in the Lord will not be shaken -- The rule of the wicked will not remain forever -- He calls on the Lord to do good to those who are upright -- The Lord will banish the wicked
126.  This psalm  describes the joy when the Lord brought the captives back to Zion -- Prays that God will restore their fortunes
127.  The psalmist declares the futility of leaving God out of our plans or work -- He also reminds us that children are an heritage from the Lord
128.  This psalm reminds us that the fear of the Lord will result in blessings in all areas of our lives
129.  In this psalm, the author declares that though they have experienced great oppression, Israel has been protected and delivered by the Lord
130.  The psalmist reminds us that we could not stand up under our load of sin, unless God forgaves -- He tells us that we must keep our eyes on God and put our hope in Him. for His love is unfailing and with Him is full redemption
131,  The psalmist tells of when he is quiet and humble before the Lord, not striving for things too great for him,  he is able to look to the Lord
132.  This psalm petitions God to remember David, and to bless his sons for David's sake -- These blessings will come  as the Lord dwells in His temple and among His people
133.  This psalm points out that God bestows blessing where the people dwell in unity
134.   The psalmist calls on the people to lift their hands and praise the Lord
135.  The psalmist urges the people to praise the Lord for He is worthy to be praised -- He does whatever pleases Him -- Then the psalmist enumerates many examples of what God  does and has done -- He points out that idols of the nations are no gods at all since they cannot do anything, and that people who trust in those gods will become like them -- The psalm concludes with encouragement for the people to praise the Lord who is really GOD
136.  This psalm can be used as a responsive reading -- The leader speaks of a multitude of ways that the Lord has shown Himself, while the people respond throughout with "His love endures forever"
137.  This psalm, written during the exile of Israel to Babylon, expresses the woe of the people in captivity and looks to the hope of deliverance
138.  In this psalm, David praises the Lord for He has exalted His name and His word above all things -- David desires that all nations would come to know God -- David also praises God for all He has done in his own life
139.  David expresses the soul-searching that God does which is beyond his understanding -- He points out that he cannot be anywhere that God is unaware of him -- David also his wonder at how marvelously God oversees his life and how often God thinks of him -- He prays that God will stop the wicked -- He asks God to search his own heart and lead him in the way everlasting. 
140.  This psalm of David again expresses his prayer for God's deliverance from his enemies -- He concludes by declaring his faith in the Lord
141.  In this psalm, David prays that the Lord will preserve him from sinning against God
142,  David prays for deliverance from his enemies.
143.  This psalm is another prayer of David for God to rescue him from his enemies -- He asks God to show him the way that he should go and to teach him to do God's will
144,  David praises God who is his Rock and his Fortress -- He expresses the brevity of men's lives compared to the eternality of God -- David again calls upon God to deliver and rescue him from his enemies -- The the people can live in peace and prosperity -- David declares, "Blessed are the people whose God is the Lord."
145,  This psalm of David is devoted entirely to praise and adoration to the Lord -- He concludes by urging every creature to praise the Lord
146.  In this psalm of praise, the psalmist declares he will praise the Lord as long as he lives -- He will not trust in mortal men who cannot save, but will trust in God who is powerful, faithful, loving ... and reigns forever
147.  The psalmist calls the people to praise the Almighty God who brings so many blessings -- many of ways that God shows His power are enumerated
148.  Angels, all creation and mankind are instructed to praise the Lord, for He alone is exalted and worthy of praise
149.  The psalmist calls for the the people of God to praise Him for God delights in the praises of His people -- God responds to the praise of His people and acts in their behalf
150. In this final psalm, praise with musical instruments of many kinds is called for -- in fact, everything that has breath is called to praise the Lord for He is worthy  
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