1 Greeting, comfort in suffering, delivered from suffering, Paul's sincerity, sparing the church
2 Forgive the offender, triumph in Christ
3 Christ's epistle, the spirit not the letter, glory of the new covenant
4 The light of Christ's gospel, cast down but unconquered, seeing the invisible
5 Assurance of the resurrection, the judgement seat of Christ, be reconciled to God
6 Marks of the ministry, be holy
7 The Corinthians repentance, the joy of Titus
8 Excel in giving, Christ our pattern, collection for the Judean saints
9 Administering the gift, the cheerful giver
10 The spiritual war, reality of Paul's authority, limits of Paul's authority
11 Concern for their faithfulness, Paul and false Apostles, reluctant boasting, suffering for Christ
12 The vision of paradise, the thorn in the flesh, signs of an Apostle, love for the church
13 Coming with authority, Paul prefers gentleness, greetings and benediction