Prayer Box Ministry

Plain talking for faith walking



Chapter Summary

1. Hebrews enslaved in Egypt
2. Birth of Moses -- As an adult, Moses flees to the land of Midian to escape the wrath of Pharaoh
3. Moses and the burning bush -- Moses commanded by God to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt
4. Miraculous signs Moses is to use as proof of God's command -- Moses returns to Egypt
5. Brick making made harder for Hebrews -- God promises deliverance for Hebrews
6. Moses commanded to return to Pharaoh -- Family record of Moses and Aaron
7. Aaron to be Moses' spokesman -- Aaron's staff becomes a snake -- The plague of bloody waters
8. The plague of frogs -- The plague of gnats -- The plague of flies
9. The plague on the livestock -- The plague of boils
10. The plague of locusts -- The plague of darkness
11. The plague of death to all the firstborn
12. God gives Moses instructions for the Passover so Hebrews will be protected from the plague of death of the firstborn -- The Hebrews leave Egypt -- Passover restrictions
13. Consecration of the firstborn among the Hebrews
14, The Red Sea parted for Hebrews to escape -- Pharaoh's army destroyed
15. The songs of Moses and Miriam in praise for deliverance from the Egyptians -- The waters of Marah and Elim
16. God supplies manna and quail for the Hebrews to eat
17. Moses instructed by God to strike the rock to provide water -- The Amalekites attack the Israelites; God causes the Israelites to prevail
18. Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, offers good advice
19. God meets with Moses on Mt. Sinai
20. The Ten Commandments listed
21. Laws regarding Hebrew servants; and regarding personal injuries
22. Laws regarding protection of property; and regarding social responsibilities
23. Laws regarding justice and mercy -- Sabbath laws -- The three annual festivals -- God sends an angel to prepare the way for the Israelites to conquer the land of Canaan
24. God's covenant with the Israelites confirmed -- Moses meets with God on the mountain
25. Moses is to receive offerings to build the Tabernacle according to God's instructions -- The ark of the testimony, the table of showbread and the lampstand described in detail
26. The Tabernacle, with all its coverings. described in detail
27. The altar of burnt offering, the courtyard and the oil for the lampstand described in detail
28, The priestly garments; the ephod, the breastpiece and other priestly garments described in detail
29. The ceremony of consecration of the priests described in detail
30. The altar of incense, the atonement money, the basin of washing, the anointing oil and incense described
31. Bezelel chosen by God to be in charge of the work of building the Tabernacle, with Oholiab as his assistant -- The Sabbath instituted -- God gives Moses the tables of stone inscribed with the Ten Commandments
32. A golden calf idol was made by the Israelites while Moses was on the mountain talking with God -- God's anger in response -- Moses smashes the stone tables of the Ten Commandments
33. Moses intecedes for the Israelites asking God to continue to lead them, rather than having an angel lead --God does as Moses asks
34. Moses returns to Mt. Sinai and receives another set of stone tables with the Ten Commandments -- receives further instructions about entering the land of Canaan
35. Materials for the Tabernacle collected -- Work of making the Tabernacle begun
36. The Tabernacle and its curtains and coverings made
37. The ark, the table, the lampstand and the altar of incense made
38. The altar of burnt offering, the basin for washing and the courtyard made -- The amounts of materials used listed
39. The priestly garments, the ephod, the breastpiece and other priestly garments made -- Moses inspects the work
40. Moses oversees the erection of the Tabernacle -- The glory of the Lord enters the Tabernacle
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