Prayer Box Ministry

Plain talking for faith walking



1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10

Chapter Summary

1.  Xerxes, king of Persia, hosted a large banquet for his nobles and officials -- His wife, Queen Vashti. also gave a banquet for the women in the royal palace -- When Xerxes was in high spirits from wine, he demanded that Vashti appear before the men of his banquet -- She refused, and after consulting his advisors, Xerxes banished Vashti from his presence -- Xerxes was also advised to give her royal position to another
2.  When the anger of Xerxes subsided, his advisors urged him to seek out the most beautiful young virgins of the realm, so he could pick out the one that pleased him most -- Among the maidens brought to the royal palace was Hadassah, also named Esther, who was a Jew and cousin of Mordecai -- Before each girl came before the king, she spent 1 year receiving beauty treatments -- Esther gained favor with the eunuch in charge --  When Esther's turn came, she went to Xerxes, and won his favor and approval -- So Xerxes made Esther his queen in place of Vashti, and held a great banquet and proclaimed a holiday -- Esther's family background and nationality continued to be kept secret as Mordecai had instructed Esther -- Mordecai overheard a plot against the life of the king, which he reported to Esther, who in turn told Xerxes giving Mordecai credit for the information -- After investigating the report, the culprits were taken and hanged on a gallows, and the whole incident recorded in the book of the annals in the presence of the king
3.  Xerxes elevated Haman in rank, and all the king's officials -except Mordecai-would bow down and pay him honor -- This refusal by Mordecai infuriated Haman -- Haman talked to Xerxes about the foreign people within the realm (meaning the Jews) who didn't obey the king's laws (about honoring Haman) -- Haman urged the king to issue a decree to destroy these people, and Haman would pay for it to be done -- The king gave Haman his signet ring and told him to keep his money, and do as he pleased with the people -- So Haman issued an unalterable decree that on a certain day every Jew-man, woman and child-was to be destroyed -- The decree is published throughout the land
4.  There was great mouning, weeping and wailing among the Jews -- Mordecai communicated to Esther what was going on, and urged her to go to Xerxes to plead for the people -- Esther hesitates because she could be killed if she appeared before the king when he didn't call for her -- Mordecai continued to insist that Esther must do so, Esther asked Mordecai and the Jews to fast for three days as she and her maids would also do
5.  On the third day Esther went to the king, who held out his scepter toward her, accepting her presence -- Xerxes asked what she wanted, and her reply was to invite Xerxes and Haman to a banquet she would hold that day for them -- They went and Xerxes again asked Esther what she wanted -- She invited both of them to another banquet for the next day, and promised to tell the king what her request was then -- When Haman left the banquet, he passed Mordecai, who again refused to acknowledge Haman -- In his rage, Haman went home and erected a 75-foot high gallows to hang Mordecai on
6.  That night the king couldn't sleep, so he had the record of his reign brought and read to him -- He discovered that nothing had been done to honor Mordecai for reporting the plot against the king's life -- Just then Haman came in, so the king sought his advice on what should be done for someone the king wants to honor -- Haman thinks it's for him, so he outlines an impressive plan -- The king likes the plan, and orders Haman to go and honor Mordecai in the exact way he'd just outlined -- In humiliation, after honoring Mordecai as the king commanded, he rushed home -- Later the king's officials came to get Haman for Esther's banquet
7.  While dining with Esther, the king asked her again what she wanted -- She revealed her nationality, and that a decree had been issued to destroy the entire Jewish population -- She pleaded for the king to spare her life and of all her people -- Xerxes asked who had dared to do such a thing and Esther pointed out Haman -- The enraged king left the room, while the terrified Haman begged Esther for his life -- When the king returned he was told of the gallows Haman had erected to kill Mordecai -- Xerxes commanded that Haman be hanged on them instead
8.  Esther revealed to the king what her relationship to Mordecai was -- Mordecai was elevated to Haman's position -- Esther again pleaded with the king to stop the plan that Haman had decreed -- Since the decree could not be changed or revoked, another decree was written granting the Jews in every city the right to assemble and defend themselves from the destruction ordered in the first decree -- This second decree was received by the Jews with great rejoicing
9.  On the appointed day when the enemies of the Jews had hoped to overpower them, the tables were turned and the Jews got the upper hand over their enemies -- Mordecai was prominent in the palace and became more and more powerful -- A second day was also allowed for the Jews to protect themselves -- The Jews celebrated their deliverance, and Purim was established to be observed each year
10.  Mordecai became second in rank to King Xerxes and was held in high esteem by the Jews because he worked for the good of his people 

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