1. The command to leave Horeb -- The appointment of leaders -- Spies sent out -- Rebellion against the Lord
2. Wanderings in the desert -- Defeat of Sihon the Amorite, king of Heshbon
3. The defeat of Og, king of Bashan -- Division of the land -- Moses forbidden to cross the Jordan
4. Obedience commanded -- Idolatry forbidden -- The Lord is God -- The cities of refuge -- Introduction to the Law
5. The Ten Commandments
6. Love the Lord your God
7. The Israelites commanded to drive out the nations of Canaan
8. The Israelites commanded to remember God's leading them in the desert
9, Moses tells the Israelites that God isn't giving them the land of Canaan because of their own righteousness -- Moses reminds them of the golden calf they created
10. Moses reminds them of how God replaced the tables of stone with the Ten Commandments -- The Israelites are commanded to love God completely, and walk in His ways
11. More on how the Israelites were to love God and faithfully observe all His commands
12. The one place of worship of God
13. Warnings about worshiping other gods
14. Clean and unclean food -- Rules about the tithe
15. Loans made to fellow Israelites to be cancelled every seven years -- Hebrews who are servants to fellow Hebrews are to be freed after six years of service, though he/she can choose to become permanent servants instead
16. Rules for observing the Passover, the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Tabernacles -- Judges and town officials to be appointed
17. More warnings about worshiping other gods -- The courts of Law -- Instruction regarding having a king
18. Offerings for priests and Levites -- Detestable practices to be avoided -- God will raise up prophets as His spokesmen
19. Cities of refuge -- Instructions regarding witnesses in matters of law
20. Instructions regarding going to war
21, Instructions regarding: Atonement for an unsolved murder -- Marrying a captive woman -- The right of the firstborn -- A rebellious son -- Various laws
22. Further instructions regarding various laws -- Marriage violations
23. Reasons for exclusion from the assembly -- Uncleanness to be kept out of the camp -- Miscellaneous laws
24. Further miscellaneous laws
25. More miscellaneous laws
26. Instructions regarding the firstfruits produced in the land, and regarding the tithe -- Command to obey all that God has said
27. The altar on Mount Ebal -- The curse from Mount Ebal
28. Blessings for obeying the Lord -- Curses for disobedience
29. Renewal of the covenant
30. Prosperity after turning to the Lord -- The offer of life or death
31. Joshua is to succeed Moses as the leader of the Israelites -- Reading the law to all the people in public assembly to be done every seventh year -- Israel's rebellion predicted
32. The song of Moses -- God tells Moses that he is to die on Mount Nebo
33. Moses blesses the tribes of Israel
34. The death of Moses