Prayer Box Ministry

Plain talking for faith walking

1 Kings

1.  Adonijah, son of David, sets himself up as king -- Nathan, the prophet speaks with Bathsheba, advising her to talk with David about his promise to make his son, Solomon, king after him -- Bathsheba talks with David, and Nathan comes to do the same -- David makes Solomon king
2.  David's charge and instructions to Solomon -- Solomon's throne established
3.  Solomon asks God for widsom -- God grants his request and says he will also have riches and honor --
Solomon gives a wise ruling in a case of two mothers claiming the same baby
4.  Solomon's officials and governors listed -- Solomon's daily provisions -- Solomon gains world-wide fame for his wisdom and learning
5.  Solomon gathers materials and manpower to build the temple
6.  The temple takes Solomon 7 years to build -- Description of the temple
7.  Solomon's palace takes 13 years to build -- Description of the palace -- The temple's furnishings described
8.  The Ark of the Lord's covenant was brought and placed in the temple -- God fills the temple with His presence -- Solomon's prayer of dedication -- The temple is dedicated
9.  God appears to Solomon -- Many other activities of Solomon
10.  The Queen of Sheba visits Solomon -- Solomon's splendor and riches
11.  Solomon's wives, many of whom led him astray -- Solomon's adversaries -- Jeroboam rebels against Solomon, but flees to Egypt until after Solomon's death -- Solomon dies, and Rehoboam, his son succeeds him
12.  Jeroboam returns and, with the Israelites, advises Rehoboam to lighten the harsh burden that Solomon had put on the people -- Solomon's elders advised Rehoboam to follow the advice, but instead he follows the advice of the young men -- Solomon's kingdom is split into two; Israel, led by Jeroboam, comprised of 10 tribes to the north, and Judah, led by Rehoboam, comprised of 2 tribes to the south -- Jeoboam sets up a golden calf at Bethel and at Dan so the people don't have to fear going to Jerusalem to worship
13.  The man of God from Judah comes to Bethel and cries out against the altar there
14.  Ahijah, a prophet, speaks against Jeroboam -- Jeroboam reigned for 22 years, and after his death, his son Nadab, succeeded him -- Rehoboam was king of Judah for 17 years, and after his death, his son, Ahijah, succeeds him -- There was coninual warfare between Rehoboam and Jeroboam
15.  Abijah reigned for 3 years -- There was war between Abijah and Rehoboam -- After Abijah's death, Asa his son succeeds him -- Asa, king of Judah, reigned 41 years; got rid of the idols and pagan worship his father had allowed -- Nadab, king of Israel, reigned for 2 years -- Baasha becomes king of Israel and reigns 24 years
16.  The word of the Lord comes through Jehu, the prophet, against Baasha for the evil he had done -- Elah, son of Baasha, becomes king of Israel and reigned 2 years -- Zimri, one of Elah's officials, killed Elah and became king of Israel for 7 days -- The Israelites proclaim Omri as king of Israel, and he reigns 12 years -- Ahab, son of Omri, becomes king of Israel 22 years -- Ahab was more evil than all the kings before him
17.  The prophet, Elijah, tells Ahab that the Lord will withhold rain and dew from the land for a few years -- Then Elijah goes to the brook in the Kerith Ravine and is fed by ravens sent by God -- When the brook dried up, Elijah goes to a widow in Zaraphath and asks her to give him some bread and water -- The widow tells him she has only enough flour and oil to make bread for herself and her son before they die -- Elijah tells her that if she gives him food first, there will miraculously be enough for them all -- So Elijah stayed with her family and they were all fed daily --  Awhile later the son became ill and died;  Elijah prayed that God would bring him back to life, and He did
18.  In the third year of the drought, Elijah went to Obadiah, a devout believer, who was an official for Ahab -- Elijah told Obadiah to let King Ahab know that Elijah would come to him -- When Elijah came to Ahab, Elijah proposed a challenge between God and Baal, the god Ahab worshiped, to see whose God was greater -- The contest was conducted on Mount Carmel -- God revealed Himself as the true God
19.  Elijah flees to the desert in fear, desiring to die -- Elijah fed by an angel and is encouraged -- He goes on to Horeb, the mountain of God, and finds refuge in a cave -- The Lord appears to Elijah -- The call of Elisha
20.  Ben-Hadad, king of Aram, attacks Samaria, where king Ahab is -- Ahab defeats Ben-Hadad -- A prophet of the Lord condemns Ahab
21.  Ahab offers to buy the vineyard of Naboth, but Naboth refuses -- Ahab sulks, and Jezebel, his wife plots to kill Naboth so Ahab can seize the vineyard -- As Ahab is in the vineyard, Elijah appears and predicts Ahab's and Jezebel's deaths
22.  About three years later,Micaiah, a prophet of the Lord, prophesies against Ahab, in contrast to all the false prophets who told Ahab he would prevail against the town of Ramoth Gilead -- In spite of disguising himself, Ahab is killed at Ramoth Gilead -- Jehosaphat, son of Asa, became king of Judah and reigned 25 years -- Ahaziah, son of Ahab, became king of Israel and reigned 2 years
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